How to Increase the No. of Simultaneous File Downloads in Internet Explorer

ie9-logoIt’s pretty odd that Microsoft should impose a limit on the number of files that can be downloaded simultaneously in Internet Explorer. In Internet Explorer version 8 and 9 the number of files that you can download at once is restricted to six, but it was worse in Internet Explorer 7 and earlier where Microsoft limited the number to mere two. The limit is sensitive to the connection speed. If the browser detects dial-up connections, both Internet Explorer 8 and 9 will revert back to the limits from earlier versions.

While downloading more than 6 files at once is a bit too much (downloading more than 2 in a dial-up connection is foolish), you might still want to have the freedom to do it. This is how to increase the limit to up to 10.

Using Registry Editor

For Internet Explorer 7

  1. Open Registry Editor (press Win+R, type regedit and press Enter)
  2. Locate the following key in the registry:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  3. In the right pane, right click and create a new DWORD. Name the new key MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server. Double click on the key and assign it the value 10.
  4. Create another DWORD. Name this MaxConnectionsPerServer and also assign it the value 10.

For Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9

  1. Open Registry Editor (press Win+R, type regedit and press Enter)
  2. Locate the following key in the registry:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\
  3. There should be a DWORD key called iexplorer.exe. If not create a new DWORD and name it iexplorer.exe. Double click on it and change the value to 10. By setting the value to 10, you increase the connection limit to 10.
  4. Now locate the following registry key: 
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\
  5. There should be a DWORD key called iexplorer.exe. If not create a new DWORD and name it iexplorer.exe. Double click on it and change the value to 10. By setting the value to 10, you increase the connection limit to 10.

Using Group Policy Editor

  1. Open Group Policy Editor (press Win+R, type gpedit.msc, and press Enter).
  2. Expand User Configuration, expand Administrative Templates, expand Windows Components, expand Internet Explorer, expand Security Features, and then expand AJAX.
  3. Set the Maximum number of connections per server (HTTP 1.0) and Maximum number of connections per server (HTTP 1.1) options to the settings that you want.
  4. Restart the computer to apply these changes.

Using Microsoft Fix-it

Microsoft has released a Fix-it solution for this particular problem. Download it from this page., run it and follow the steps in the wizard.

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Where to Shop for Successfully Funded Kickstarter Products?

Kickstarter, the crowdfunding platform for creative projects, recently issued a statement to dispel some misunderstandings surrounding Kickstarter. The company is concerned that many backers/investors have started to view the crowdfunding platform as another online shopping site, and hence might invest in something without fully understanding the risks involved. “Kickstarter is not a store”, wrote the site founders on their blog, “it’s a new way for creators and audiences to work together to make things”.

The site introduced a number of changes that required project creators to list any challenges the campaign may face and how they plan to overcome them and what qualification they posses that’ll help them to overcome these hurdles. The idea is to make investors realize that they are not buying a product, rather investing on an idea that might not even see the light of day.


That explains why it is so difficult to search for projects that have completed funding on the Kickstarter website. The website focuses only on active projects that are currently acquiring funds. Once the project is successfully funded or their fund raising period elapsed, they pretty much disappear from the website. I’m sure they are still somewhere on the site ready to popup when you search for it, but without a proper section dedicated to completed projects it is impossible to discover them, unless the project is one of the top cash aggregators or hugely popular like Ouya or E-Paper Watch.

So how do you find project that you missed on Kickstarter?



Kickfollower is a discovery tool for crowdfunded projects. It aggregates projects that were not only successfully funded by Kickstarter but have also made it to reality and available for purchase from online stores. Kickfollower is pretty new and at the time of this writing it lists only 62 products arranged in 6 categories – games, food, igear, electronics, clothing and art. The site displays a short description of the product along with an image.

An interesting features is the inclusion of the original Kickstarter pledge price along with the actual selling price. Most of the products are selling at a price higher than the pledged price. Some are retailing less than the original pledge, while others for about the same. Clicking on the product showcased takes you direly to the creators’ website, whenever available, or to the product’s Amazon page.

outgrowme is another marketplace for Kickstarter as well as for IndieGoGo projects that were successfully funded and are now available for purchase. The website lists products that are both ready to be bought and products that not quite ready but can be pre-ordered. The site allows you to filter products based on their availability. You can also choose a particular category and view products only within the category you are interested in. Categories include: android accessories, bicycling, books & magazines, design, electronics, ,apple, fashion, food, fun & games, iPad accessories, iPhone accessories, pens & stylus pens photography, sporting, equipment, stuff for children, video games, and watches & clocks.

You can also filter products by price – under $25, between $25 to $75, between $75 to $150, and above $150.

Each product is accompanied by a few images, a short description and a video. Other information include the date when the project was funded and the total amount raised. It doesn’t display the pledge amount but what it does is let you view the original Kickstarter page for the project.

As of August 2012, more than 68,000 projects have been launched in Kickstarter of which over 29,000 were successfully funded. It’s not known how many products actually made to it reality but I believe it is a high figure – high enough to demand special marketplaces like Kickfollower and

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Syncbox: Access Files on Your PC From Anywhere via the Internet

Cloud storage services are designed to serve two primary purposes - provide a place to securely and reliably backup your important files, and make these files available on all your devices at all times. Space is a limiting factor in such kind of services and the cost of extra storage, although cheap, is recurring. The other is security. If you have highly sensitive data or simply don’t trust cloud service providers, or otherwise, have an inordinate amount of data to synchronize you’ll be better suited if you run your own cloud storage service.

SyncBox is one such solution that completely eliminates the middle man from the equation. Instead of relying on a third party in the cloud to manage your data, your data stays on your machine and is made available to all your other devices, provided the computer where the data resides is connected to the Internet.


To make this happen, SyncBox offers a server software that you need to install on the computer with data that you want to access over the Internet. The installer is available only for Windows, but client programs cover a wide range of platforms - Windows, Mac OSX, and Ubuntu, on the desktop side, and Android and iOS to handle things on mobile devices. Client programs are not essential to access files on the PC, but makes things such as viewing files, upload and download easier through a streamlined interface, not unlike those available for Microsoft SkyDrive or Dropbox.

syncbox-android syncbox-android2

The server is assigned a unique URL which is automatically mapped to your current IP address, thanks to SyncBox’s dynamic DNS service. To access your files from a web browser, simply open the URL and login with your ID and password which you setup during server configuration.


SyncBox is actually no different then setting up a web server or FTP server on your computer, but the zero-configuration server setup, coupled with easy to use client programs and the integrated dynamic DNS server makes a great package. Running a server on your own PC comes at a cost, but I’m sure you are already aware of it and the various bandwidth bottlenecks that you’ll face from your ISP.

If you liked SyncBox you may also be interested in Sockso and Subsonic that allows you to stream music from your home PC to your cell phone.

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FlickChart: Rank Movies or Find New Ones to Watch

Can’t decide which movie you should watch next? Try FlickChart, a website that allows you to rank movies and create your own personal chart of favorites, browse movies ranked by others and discover new movies to watch. Flickchart offers a unique way to rate movies. Instead of rating movies in a scale of 1 to 10, two movies are pitted against each other. You pick the one you like the most, and two new movies go head-to-head. If you haven’t seen one of the movies, click a button and the movie is replaced by another movie. If you haven’t seen either of the movies, click another button and two new movies will lock horn.

As you rank movies, a list of your top 20 movies starts to take shape. The more movies you rank, the better the list starts reflecting your tastes. Eventually, you get recurring movies in new match-ups. Say you like The Terminator better than The Dark Knight, but you like Back to the Future more than The Terminator, then you like Back to the Future better than The Dark Knight too and so it appears ahead of both.


But what do you do when they pit Little Miss Sunshine against The Usual Suspect? Both are great movies but how does one choose between movies of two different genre? To avoid such conflict, you can filter the movies based on genre, release year, decade, actor/director, and studio or leave it open to compare any movie with any other.

Once you've ranked enough movies to create a list of movies you have seen, you also build up a complementary list of movies that you haven’t seen. This list contains movies that have been favorably ranked by the FlickChart community and it’s a pretty good place to start debating which to watch next.

FlickChart classifies movies by extremely narrow genre, which is one of the strongest feature of the website. Instead of board categories such as thriller, drama, action and romance, Flickchart uses very narrow genres. Some examples of genres used by Flickchart are: Action comedy, Adventure comedy, Apocalyptic film, Court room drama, Disaster film, Girls with guns, Glamorized spy film, Unglamorized spy film, Jungle movie, Road movie, Whodunit, Satire etc. Aside from genres, Flickchart also knows the actors, directors, and release dates of all the films, so you can further break down the list into any combination you choose.


Ranking movies in FlickChart is so addicting that it’s not uncommon for users to tirelessly continue ranking movies for hours at a time. The founders told Mashable that “10% of all site visitors come back more than 200 times, and 60% of all visitors are repeat customers. Better yet, they say, there’s a sizable chunk of Flickchart’s user base who have accumulated more than 300,000 rankings a piece.”

One of the drawbacks of the site is the lack of any meaningful information about the movies themselves, apart from the cast and director. So if you want to checkout why a movie is so loved (or hated) you’ll have to rely on another website like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes.

Also see other recommendation sites: FilmGator, HelloMovies, NanoCrowd

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Google Play Store Promotion: Apps for 25 cents

Google Play, the premier destination for Android apps, recently clocked 25 billion downloads and to celebrate this milestone the Mountain View company has announced a promotion on Tuesday. During the next 5 days, Google will offer a selection of apps for just 25 cents a piece.

Every day you’ll be able to choose from a collection of apps from some of the world’s top developers including Gameloft, Electronic Arts, Rovio, runtastic, Full Fat and more. And all for just 25 cents. We’ll also be offering some special collections like 25 movies you must own, 25 banned books, 25 albums that changed the world and our 25 top selling magazines, all at special prices.

The first batch of apps is live on the Play Store and can be bought outright for a quarter of a dollar. Most of these apps normally sell between $0.99 and $2.99. One app - Let's Create! Pottery – is priced at $4.99, while OfficeSuite Pro 6+ sells just 1 cent shy of a full $15. All these are available for $0.25.


Google is likely to offer a fresh collection of apps tomorrow and another round the next day and so on for the next 5 days, like they did during their 10 cents promotion organized to celebrate 10 billion downloads last December, although many apps were repeated during the last few days.

It took Google more than 3 years to score 10 billion downloads. The last 15 billion came in just 9 months. The next 25 billion will probably come sooner, but will the promotion get any more attractive?

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AirTime, the Social Networking Video Chat Application

Sean Parker has been involved with some of the biggest movements on the web, and now he has placed his bets on the video chat application Airtime as the next big thing.

Sean Parker is an internet entrepreneur whose work as co-founder of the file sharing service Napster in 1999 gained him notoriety, wealth and, in some circles, infamy. As a teenage hacker, Sean and a friend created the online service to share music amongst Internet users. The site became an overnight success, garnering tens of millions of users within the first year. The site was famously opposed by the Recording Industry Artists of America (RIAA) among others and was shut down by a court judgement only a couple years after launch.

Sean’s next big venture after Napster was a social address book site called Plaxo. Plaxo integrated Micorosoft Outlook into its functionality and acted as a precursor to social media portals to come. Sits such as Facebook and LinkedIn are indebted to the social networking innovations pioneered in Plaxo.

In 2004, Parker was introduced to Mark Zuckerberg through his roommate’s girlfriend, and the two of them co-founded the wildly successful Facebook social media platform.

When we go through the history of Sean Parker’s professional career, it becomes obvious that he has a knack for picking winners in the race for the “next big thing”. So when Sean Parker announced the release of his new video chat service, Airtime, co-founded with former Napster partner Shawn Fanning, people took notice.


Airtime is a social networking video chat service that bears a resemblance to Chatroulette. The site features pre-recorded web casts of people that are posted to the site and then commented on and rated by other users. It also features a random connectivity feature that is similar to Chatroulette. The major difference between Chatroulette’s randomly connected users and Airtime’s is that Airtime allows users to join categories such as cooking or music.

While Chatroulette was plagued with user vulgarity and exhibitionism, which prevented the site from gaining general usage amongst internet users, Airtime takes advantage of a ranking and popularity system to help weed out the uninteresting or offensive users. The algorithm for rating live web cam based chat sessions will be based on how long it takes for a user to be “Nexted”. Nexting, as it is called, is the act of pushing the “Next” button to disconnect from the current user and connect to another user. The popularity algorithm will take into account the average time a particular user is “Nexted” by their opposite chat partner. The combination of live ranking along with static ranked content (uploaded videos) will allow certain users to become people of interest on the site. Parker and Fanning announced the opening of the Airtime site this June with the likes of actress Olivia Munn, rapper Sean “P Diddy” Combs and actor Joel McHale to do live video chat appearances on the site.

In interviews, Parker has said that he believes social media will very soon be making the move to live video. The ability to gathering people together for common causes and the subsequent social power of these groups is something that Parker does not think sites like Facebook or LinkedIn have figured out how to tap into. Those familiar with Parker’s recent involvement with Facebook Cause will not be surprise at his passion for creating platforms for individuals to garner grassroots political power. Parker also sees random video chat as a great way to eliminate” approach anxiety” by throwing individuals into the middle of conversations they would not otherwise know how to enter.

This guest post is contributed by Jason Phillips. He is an internet freak and can’t imagine his life without internet. He wrote many articles on video chat and webcam chat for different websites. His leisure includes chatting with his friends and has almost 300 friends in his circle.

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One Year Ago: Volume Controller, Comic Book Readers, Grooveshark MP3 Downloaders and More

A hand-picked selection of articles published between September 9 and September 22 of previous years.

1 Year Ago

2 Years Ago

3 Years Ago

4 Years Ago

5 Years Ago

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Giveaway: UseNeXT Usenet Accounts

Usenet has been around for more than 30 years but public knowledge about this system is mostly low. When the Internet boom came in the late 90s, Usenet was already on their way out replaced by the World Wide Web and all the fancy things it brought to people’s desktop. Then came Naptser and finally BitTorrent, and Usenet was largely forgotten. Few people who were born during the last two decades have any experience of Usenet. If you are one of them and want to try out a Usenet service but price is the inhibiting factor, here is a chance.

One of the largest Usenet provider UseNeXt has agreed to offer 5 Usenet accounts for Instant Fundas readers. These accounts come with a 50GB transfer limit, meaning you can download up to 50GB of binary content from hundreds of thousands of newsgroups. There is no speed limit and the accounts don’t have an expiry date.


UseNeXT offers access to over 60,000 newsgroups that contain more than 2500 terabytes of data and 5000 gigabytes are added daily. In UseNeXT’s client program the data is divided into various categories aside from being grouped by newsgroups. You can search for files within a category or within a newsgroup. You can also click on a newsgroup or category and browse files that were recently added and files that were the most downloaded. There are newsgroups catering to movies and music of different genre and tastes such as documentaries, classic TV shows, anime, pro-wrestling, sci-fi, horrors, cartoons and so on.

To download a file, simply right click on the results and select the Download option. You can download up to 30 files concurrently.

As already said, we have 5 UseNeXT accounts to giveaway. If you are interested in entering the giveaway contest, leave your name and a valid email ID in the form below. Winners will be selected by a random draw. The contest closes on September 28, 2012.

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Check Your Android Phone for Security Vulnerabilities

With the rising popularity of Android powered smartphones and devices, Android malware has been increasing at an alarming level. According to security research firm Kaspersky Labs, the volume of new malware targeting Android devices nearly tripled in the second quarter of 2012 and this will only get worse in coming months. While the number of malicious programs targeting Android pales in comparison to the millions or so found on Windows, it is still a sizeable chunk that should worry any Android smartphone user who frequently download apps from the Internet.

Smartphone security firm Duo Security released a new free app dubbed X-Ray For Android that checks the operating system on consumer devices for known, but unpatched, security flaws.

xray-android xray-android2

X-Ray scans your Android device to determine whether there are vulnerabilities that remain unpatched by your carrier or phone manufacturer. Unlike antivirus software, X-Ray isn't designed to compare the signatures of apps installed on a device with a list of suspicious applications. Instead, the app looks for the presence of certain privilege escalation vulnerabilities that are known to present on Android platform and which are exploited by malware to gain full, unrestricted control over an Android device.

These vulnerabilities go unpatched for many months due to conservative carrier patching practices and the malware authors capitalize on this. According to a research conducted last year by Bit9 Samsung took 316 days to patch its Galaxy Mini smartphone after Google released an Android update. Meanwhile, the fastest update - a Droid X patch from Motorola - still required 141 days to be released.

When X-Ray finds a vulnerable smartphone, it notifies the user. Unfortunately, the user with a vulnerable phone has only a limited number of options. The user can check their carrier or the phone manufacturer for an update, and if there is no patch, the only way out is to root the phone and install a third-party ROM such as CyanogenMod that may have patched the vulnerabilities.

The primary cause for worry is that many malicious programs are served from Google Play Store. Unlike the Apple Store, the Google Play Store is more open to developers, but that doesn’t mean that it is lawless wilderness filled with malicious wilderness. Google uses an automated scanning tool codenamed Bouncer to scan for known malware, spyware and trojans in the Play Store. They also run every app uploaded to the Play Store in a virtual environment and looks for behaviors that indicate an application might be misbehaving, and compares it against previously analyzed apps to detect possible red flags. Since the introduction of Bouncer, Google reported a 40% decrease in the number of potentially-malicious apps in the Android Market. But Bouncer is not foolproof, as evident from an early July Symantec report that identified two malicious apps in the Play Store that racked up between 50,000 and 100,000 downloads. The biggest source of Android malware is still from third party stores and websites that Google has no control over.

Even if you have an Android antivirus software, and stay away from alternative markets, I highly recommend you to download X-ray for Android and scan your device for vulnerabilities.

via LockerGnome and Verge

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uTorrent 3.3 Adds Counter Measures Against Monitoring of Downloads

utorrent-logoBitTorrent networks are favorite fishing spots for anti-piracy outfits such as RIAA and other research organizations specialized in collecting intelligence on downloaders. BitTorrent is inherently insecure and anyone who engages in file sharing leave a trail of information behind that can uniquely identify a peer and the files they have downloaded. There have been hundreds of cases in the past where file downloaders were sued for copyright infringement on the basis of IP address alone.

Many people are probably aware that they leave their IP address open when they download files from BitTorrent, but believe they are reasonably safe because they know that their IP address is dynamic and that casual monitoring of IP-traffic is not enough to identify them. However, there is a second variable that can be used to monitor a user’s downloads and that is the peer-ID. Your Torrent client generates a unique peer-ID for you and then send that out every time you connect to the BitTorrent network. Tracking companies can monitor the peer-ID and use the information to build a rather accurate database of downloads that come from the same client, regardless of the IP-address. While this information might be of use to private BitTorrent trackers, on public ones it poses a clear privacy threat.

The peer-id has always been constant on uTorrent for connections with trackers and peers, until version 3.3. The new version, which is still in alpha, randomizes peer ids after a specific time period to mitigate tracking of users when they use non-private torrents. The new feature leaves tracking companies with random chucks of data from different IP addresses with no unique peer-IDs to associate each chuck to a particular user.

BitTorrent Inc. told TorrentFreak that the new feature only applies to public torrents, and is a change to the core code, so users don’t have to enable it.

However, users should be aware that IP-addresses are still public and trackable and can still point to you, but only if your ISP is coerced into revealing the information.

Interested users can download uTorrent 3.3 Alpha from this page.

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SkyDrive Adds Recycle Bin to Recover Deleted Files

Microsoft announced on Tuesday that it has added a new recycle bin feature on cloud storage. The feature which will be rolled out in the coming weeks will allow users to recover files that were accidentally deleted providing some amount of protection to user’s stupidity. While SkyDrive already keeps previous versions of your Office documents automatically, the new feature will be particularly useful in group projects where many users have access and permission to modify files in a SkyDrive folder.

Previously, SkyDrive popped an alert dialog when you attempted to delete something, which you could dismissed to prevent the deletion from taking place. Now, instead of that warning, the new SkyDrive delete function will simply send the deleted file to the Recycle Bin from files can be pulled back if necessary. It then notifies you that the file was deleted. An Undo button in the alert dialog allows for quick recovery.


Items in the recycle bin do not count against your SkyDrive storage space, but there is still a size limit on the amount of files the recycle bin can hold. The recycle bin amounts to 10% of your storage limit. So if you have a 25 GB SkyDrive account you can keep up to 2.5 GB of deleted files in the recycle bin before Microsoft starts deleting the junk itself, but not until the files were in the bin for at least 3 days. This means that you can delete a file that is larger than the recycle bin can hold and still recover it if you act within 3 days of the deletion. Generally, files will stay in the bin for 30 days before they are permanently removed.

Right now, the recycle bin feature is available only on, and over time Microsoft expects the functionality to make its way to other SkyDrive apps too.

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CarotDAV: Portable Client for Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, Box, FTP and More

A while ago I wrote about three tools that allows users to manage their files on several cloud services all from a single interface. We saw that web based tools were better equipped at supporting multiple services and protocols at once compared to desktop based tools. Out of the three tools reviewed only one was a desktop program and it worked with only three services - Dropbox, Google Docs, and Box, which is too less for many users. Here is a nice alternative.

CarotDAV supports many services including SkyDrive, DropBox, Google Drive, Box and SugarSync, as well as WebDAV, FTP, and IMAP protocols. There are many programs that support Dropbox and Google Drive but you won’t find many that supports SkyDrive, and SugarSync is a nice addition to the package. WebDAV and FTP expands the scope of this little program to many other territories as well.



CarotDAV allows you to view your files in your different cloud accounts and download them to your computer. You can also upload news files and folders to them. File management functions such as cut, copy, paste, copy to, move to etc. are all supported. You can sort files by name, size, date of creation, and date of modification, or group them by file type, name and size.

Keep in mind that CarotDAV is not a synchronization tool, so you cannot use it to keep your local folders in sync with those in the cloud.

CarotDAV connects to the cloud storage services using OAuth authorization so you don’t have to worry about handing over your login credentials to a third party. In fact, using CarotDAV (and any program that uses OAuth) is one of the safest way to access your online accounts. Being portable means you can easily carry it around with you and thus have access to all your cloud accounts without having to login through web browsers on untrusted computers.

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Where to Find Unique Facebook Cover Photos?

facebookFacebook first announced the Timeline layout more than a year ago. It was met with lots of resistance at first, but with the passage of time more and more Facebook users are warming up to the new design. Now that Timeline is the default Facebook layout, a new market for unique cover photos have started to appear. Over the last few months several of these wallpaper-like sites have sprung up and their numbers will continue to grow, until the next Facebook redesign.

You should know that it’s possible to create your own Cover Photos using any image editor that allows cropping or image resizing. The dimensions to keep in mind are: 851 pixels in width and 315 pixels in height. If you upload an image that's smaller than these dimensions, it will get stretched. The same way, if you upload a larger image, it will be squeezed to fit. To prevent distortion upload a JPG file that's exactly 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall, and to get the fastest load times for your Page, make sure the file size is less than 100 kilobytes. Use Paint.Net to crop and resize the images and then use RIOT to drastically reduce the size of the image file without any noticeable loss in quality.

Image credit:

If you’re looking for beautiful pictures to use as your Facebook cover photo, you have a few options. You can search for creative commons images on Flickr, Picasa and 500px. There are huge numbers of gorgeous images on these 3 sites. You’ve also got tons of websites that offer free desktop wallpapers and free stock images from which you can download images and crop them to the required size. If that sounds too much of a bother, checkout some of these sites that offer Facebook Cover Photos in the correct dimension.

  • Unique FB Covers: Regularly updated. Contains more than 9600 designs at the time of this writing spread over multiple categories.
  • TimelineMods: Fairly large collection and multiple categories
  • FacebookTimelineBanner: Dozens of categories and about 6000 covers photos.
  • Fcoverphotos: Huge collection of more than 21,000 cover photos.
  • covermyFB: Over 17,000 cover photos in the database.

More sites:

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Change Background Color of Windows Photo Viewer and Windows Live Gallery

Windows_Live_Photo_GalleryWindows Photo Viewer – the default programs for opening images in Windows is more customizable than you think. Previously, I showed you how to change the default time interval between pictures when slideshow viewing mode is turned on in Windows Photo Viewer. In this short tutorial I’m going to show you how to change the background color of Windows Photo Viewer as well as Windows Live Gallery. The default background color is light blue (in Photo Viewer) and white (in Live Gallery). Some people feel that a darker background is better as it makes the pictures pop-out. If you have strong color preferences and want to change the background, here is how to do it.

The Hard Way

Windows Photo Viewer

  1. Open Run and type “regedit” and then press Enter. This will open the Registry Editor.
  2. Now, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows Photo Viewer > Viewer
  3. If you are using Windows 7 32-bit, you will not find this key, in which case you should create it. Windows 7 64-bit users can skip the next 2 steps.
    • Right click on the item Microsoft and click on New >Key. Name the key Windows Photo Viewer.
    • Right click on the newly created Windows Photo Viewer key and again create a new Key. Name this key Viewer.
  4. Inside the Viewer folder, create a new DWORD (32-bit) and rename it to BackgroundColor.
  5. Double click on BackgroundColor and under the Value data field type “FF” followed by the Hex code of the color you want to set. You can use a color picker tool to sample colors from various parts of the screen.

Now open any image in Windows Photo Viewer and you should see the new background color. To reset to the default color, simply delete the BackgroundColor DWORD.


Windows Live Gallery

  1. Open the Registry editor and go to to the following key:
  2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows Live > Photo Gallery > Viewer
  3. Inside the Viewer folder, create a new DWORD (32-bit) and rename it to BackgroundColor.
  4. Double click on BackgroundColor and under the Value data field type “FF” followed by the Hex code of the color you want to set.

Open any image in Windows Live Gallery and you should see the new background color. To reset to the default color, simply delete the BackgroundColor DWORD.

The Easy Way

Download Photo Viewer Background Changer and extract the contents of the archive to a folder. Choose the appropriate program EXE depending on whether you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8.

Choose which picture viewer you want to change the background color of, and then click on Change Color. Pick a color from the color palate and then click OK.


Also read: How to view RAW images in Windows and View Thumbnails of Unsupported Image File Formats

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All Wikipedia Articles Lead to Philosophy

the-thinkerWant to play a game? Alright! Start at any Wikipedia page and click the first link you encounter in the main text of the article, and then repeat the process for subsequent articles. Eventually you’ll end up at the article about Philosophy. The first link on the Philosophy article takes you to Problem which returns you back to Philosophy. It has been estimated that more than 95% of all Wikipedia articles exhibit this phenomenon which was first discovered in May 2008.

The path from a Wikipedia article to Philosophy takes unlikely routes, for instance, starting at Tacos you are taken through 19 steps via subjects such as Uto-Aztecan languages, Pre-Columbian era, Archaeology, Primate and Taxonomy, and finally ending at the Philosophy-Problem loop. Some routes are short – Samsung to Philosophy takes 11 steps, while others are long winded – Tandoori Chicken to Philosophy goes through 29 steps with stops at Astronomical object and Mammal.

WikiLoopr is an amusing little application that shows you these routes. Enter any term for which a Wikipedia article exist in the search box and press Enter. Then watch the chain of events unfold.



There have been some theories on this phenomenon, with the most prevalent being the tendency for Wikipedia pages to move up a "classification chain.” The Wikipedia Manual of Style guidelines says that the lead section of an article should start by defining the topic of the article, so that the first link of each page will naturally take the reader into a broader subject, eventually ending in wide-reaching pages such as Mathematics, Science, Language, and eventually to Philosophy.

[via Hacker News and Wikipedia]

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Different Ways to Save Email Attachments to Dropbox, SkyDrive or Google Drive Directly

paper-clip2It’s nearly six months since the launch of Google Drive, yet there is still no integration of Drive’s storage with Gmail, particularly one that makes it possible to save attachments from Gmail directly to Google Drive and have them available instantly across all synced computers. Thankfully, there are more than a handful of different ways to do this. And these third-party services will probably be better than any native Google Drive integration we may see in future, because they support more than just Google Drive.

Here are some of the many ways by which you can send attachments to your cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box and more.

Supported cloud services: Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, Box
Supported email services: Gmail
Supported platforms: Chrome, Firefox

Available as add-ons for Chrome and Firefox web browsers, allows you to save attachments in your Gmail inbox to Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive and Box. After you have connected your cloud storage services with, you will see a new panel in your inbox whenever you open an email with an attachment. This panel lets you quickly send the attached file(s) to the cloud storage of your choice without downloading them to your desktop first.

attachment-me also allows you to setup automatic filing rules based on file type, sender’s address, and keywords. When you receive mails that match these rules the attachments will be automatically filed away.


Aside from saving attachments to the cloud gives you the option to attach files from your cloud storage accounts to an email. Sharing files from your Google Drive or SkyDrive account in an email doesn’t actually attach the file to the email, rather it sends the link to the shared file hosted on Google Drive or SkyDrive or Dropbox. This allows you to send files larger than the limit imposed by Gmail and at the same time saves inbox space of the recipients.


Supported cloud services: Dropbox, Google Drive
Supported email services: Gmail
Supported platforms: platform independent

It’s been more than 8 months since I reviewed InSync, a software program that allows users to create a folder on their hard drive and have its contents sync with their Google Docs account. This was before Google Drive came into existence. Now as Google Drive made InSync redundant, the company started looking at other areas where they can make themselves useful. Hence, came InSync for Gmail.

InSync for Gmail lets you send attachments to either Google Drive or Dropbox or both by simply labeling the message with a label. To move an attachment to the cloud storage, just label the email as @Drive or @Dropbox and the attachment gets sent to the appropriate cloud service. Nothing to download or install.


Before InSync can do its magic, you have to signup up for an InSync account and authorize it to access your Gmail account as well as the cloud services you wish to integrate. Once this is done, the labels @Drive or @Dropbox will be created automatically.

What’s really neat is that the service is not bound to a particular browser by extensions. It works on all web browsers and even mobiles and email programs like Outlook.

Gmail Attachments To Drive

Supported cloud services: Google Drive
Supported email services: Gmail
Supported platforms: Chrome

This is a simple extension for Chrome that lets you save Gmail attachments directly to Google Drive from the attachment list itself with a newly added Save To Drive link. Just click on the link and it’s done. No permission granting is necessary since you are already logged in to your Google account.


If This Then That Recipes

Supported cloud services: Dropbox, Google Drive, Box
Supported email services: All email services
Supported platforms: platform independent

If This Then That, abbreviated as IFTTT, is a service that lets you connect different online services with each other and automate tasks based on certain triggers and changes. The automated tasks are called recipes and there are hundreds of them available with actions such as send all Instagram photos to Flickr, or send Tweets to Google Drive and even get voice call on your cell phone with weather forecasts.

To use IFTTT, sign up for an account, then select a recipe to use. Below are three recipes for saving email attachments.

Recipe to send attachment to Dropbox
Recipe to send attachment to Google Drive
Recipe to send attachment to Box


Click on the Use Recipe button and then review the actions that the recipe will perform. If you wish you can change the recipe’s behavior here. You will also need to activate your Dropbox and Google Drive and Box “channels”, which in other words, mean authorize IFTTT to monitor these channels for triggers. After you have taken care of this, the recipe will be activated.


Now anytime you want to save an attachment to Dropbox or Google Drive, forward the email to For sending attachment to Box, you need to send the #Box trigger message. IFTTT will parse the email, extract the attachment and save it to your cloud accounts.

From your IFTTT dashboard you can manage all your recipes – turn them off, check their activity and so on. Browse IFTTT’s website to discover more interesting automations.

Know any other tricks to save attachments to cloud accounts? Let me know.

Image credit: BigStockPhoto

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6 New Windows 7 Themes Worth Checking Out [Sep 2012 Edition]

Here is another collection of themes that were not previously featured on Instant Fundas, not necessarily released in September, but definitely new and fresh. If you missed out the previous collection, you will find them all under the Customization section – more than 190 hand picked themes in all.



Locus VS


Mac OS Lion Inspirat Theme for Windows 7


Simplify Slim VS for Windows 7


VentZer0.12 BETA


Windows aero 8


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Get Alerts of Upcoming Reddit AMAs in Android

reddit-androidReddit’s AMA, which stands for “Ask Me Anything”, are interactive sessions where people of all kinds, be they celebrities, leaders (such as the U.S. President Barak Obama) or just common people with interesting jobs or unusual experiences take part in interview sessions with Reddit’s community. AMAs often lead to in-depth personal interaction and interesting connection between Internet users – secrets are revealed and tricks of the trade shared. It’s one of the most popular section on Reddit and one of my personal favorites too. Unfortunately for me, I always end up late to every AMA party, by a good 6 to 12 hours or more after the AMA session is over. Differing time zones is part of the problem, but the real reason why I miss out on these discussions is simple and rather stupid – I forget.

Reddit announces upcoming AMAs that are scheduled to take place 10 to 15 days in advance. These are displayed on the AMA sub-Reddit website in the sidebar on the right. If a particular AMA sounds interesting or a prominent personality is about to make an appearance and you wish to follow the discussion, you can mark those dates in your calendar. Now a Redditor has developed an Android app that makes the job much easier.

The application simply called Reddit AMA brings you the schedule to your smartphone with some added functionalities. Unlike the list on the website, which shows the list in eastern timezone, the application shows them into your local time so you don’t have to make your own time conversion.

reddit-ama reddit-ama2

The app also allows you to conveniently add an AMA to your Android’s calendar app so as to alert you 5 minutes before the AMA session. Of course, you can change the alert settings before you save.

Currently, the app doesn’t have push notification functionality so you have to manually run the app very few days or so to retrieve the upcoming list. The developer says that if enough interest for push notification is shown by users this will be added in future version. I say, for an alert app, push notification is a must. So if you like the app and wish for push notification don’t forget to tell the developer by leaving a comment on the Play store.

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Pin Websites to Taskbar, Desktop and Start Menu Using Chrome

Internet Explorer 9 introduced pinning of websites to the taskbar. Users could simply drag an open tab and drop it into the taskbar to pin the website into place. All website shortcuts could be pined to the taskbar and start menu, but websites that took advantage of the new codes could customize the jumplist for these shortcuts and incorporate additional features and shortcuts to various sections of their website. Google Chrome has a shortcut creating feature too, and while not as gorgeous and functional as Internet Explorer 9 pinned sites, it’s something you might want to check out.

To create a website shortcut in Chrome, open the website or webpage and from the and click on Wrench icon in Chrome’s toolbar. From the Tools menu click on “Create application shortcut”.


You will be asked to select the location where you wish to place the shortcut. Available options include the taskbar, desktop and start menu.


Once the shortcut is created, you can use it to launch the website in it’s own window.


However, this is where Chrome departs from IE9. The website is not opened in a normal browser window. What you get it a simple bordered window running on Chrome’s rendering engine. There is no address bar or toolbars or buttons. Any extension you installed will also not be available. Just the bare website. Within the window, you are free to browse the site, click on links and so on. Keyboard shortcuts such as the backspace works, and you can also open new links in a normal Chrome window.

If you ask me, I don’t see the point of creating website shortcuts or pinning websites to the taskbar when one can simply bookmark websites in the browser. Space on the taskbar is scare and precious enough not to waste on website pins.

[via AskVG]

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One Year Ago: OpenWith Enhanced, Remove Unskippable DVD Ads, Full Context Menus and More

A hand-picked selection of articles published between August 26 and September 8 of previous years.

1 Year Ago

2 Years Ago

3 Years Ago

4 Years Ago

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Sync Files on USB/Thumb Drive With DropboxPortableAHK

dropbox-portableDropboxPortableAHK, as the name suggests is a portable version of Dropbox implemented using AutoHotkey. It allows you to run Dropbox’s client program from a USB Flash drive and sync files contained on the USB drive to your Dropbox account, regardless of which computer you are using. This enables you to carry your files around with you and at the same time have them sync seamlessly with your Dropbox storage. DropboxPortableAHK is especially great when you do not have permission to install the program on the computer, or if you work on multiple shared computers and do not want to hassle with Dropbox’s web interface. There are plenty of other scenarios where DropboxPortableAHK can be useful.

To install DropboxPortableAHK on your USB drive, extract the contents of the downloaded zip file to a folder on the USB drive. Then run DropboxPortableAHK.exe to launch the setup wizard.

On step 4, you need to set the location where your Dropbox folder should reside. The default folder path is “.\Dropbox”, which will place your Dropbox folder in a subfolder in your DropboxPortableAHK directory. If you want Dropbox to have it’s own folder, enter the path as “\Dropbox” (just remove the dot) that would place a folder called “Dropbox” on the root of the USB drive.


Be aware, not to enter an absolute path like “C:\Dropbox”. This will cause your Dropbox folder to be placed on every computer you plug the USB drive to. That would be catastrophic if you use a lot of public computers.

If you already have a working Dropbox installation on your computer you can move or copy the folder to the new location. You can also use the previous Dropbox configuration file and save time when configuring your portable Dropbox installation.

On step 6, you can configure additional options such as create an autorun.inf file, Dropbox folder protection the prevents Dropbox from deleting your files o on the server if the USB drive is removed, and a few more.


Another nice feature is that you can set up application that are launched before Dropbox starts and after Dropbox exits. This is helpful if you need to do some actions before Dropbox starts checking your Dropbox folder, e.g. dismount a TrueCrypt container that resides in your Dropbox folder, so that Dropbox is able to sync it, or after Dropbox has synced all changes, e.g. mount the TrueCrypt container again.

Once you have completed all steps, you are ready to go. If you do not have Dropbox installed on the computer, you will be asked to do so. Install Dropbox like you normally do, but don’t use any special Dropbox folder location here. DropboxPortableAHK will redirect the folder to the one you specified in step 4.

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Ginger, a Better Spelling and Grammar Checker for MS Office, Firefox, Chrome and IE

Ginger_LogoEverybody needs a little help in spelling, whether you like to admit it or not. In junior school we had teachers and parents to look over our shoulders and gently correct our spellings and fill in missing prepositions. Today, we have automated spell checkers and we must be thankful that we have them, because without those helpful wriggly green and red lines, the web would be a rather embarrassing place.

Numerous spell checking technology has been around for a while. Every word processing program, such as MS Office or, has one. Browsers have built in spell checkers too. Ginger is one such spelling and grammar checking technology that is attracting the attention of investors, and in turn, blogs such as this. Ginger is an intelligent spell checker that differentiates itself from the competition by recognizing words in context, that makes little sense to typical spell checkers. Ginger detects misused words and provide the most appropriate corrections for spelling and grammar mistakes according to the intended meaning of the sentence. In other words, Ginger can not only correct spellings but can also tell when a correctly spelled word is misused in a sentence and replace it with the right word.


For instance, you might mistakenly type “their” instead of “there”, or type “were” when you meant “where”. This kind of errors are more common than the first and are notoriously difficult to detect, because standard spell checkers only check for misspelled words and if the word is correctly spelled, they deem the sentence correct even if the sentence doesn't make sense.

Ginger, however, examines the entire sentence in which a misspelled word appears and analyzes the context. Ginger is thus able to correct the text in keeping with the writer’s intention, even in cases of extreme spelling mistakes. Because Ginger is able to recognize the context of the sentence, it’s able to narrow down the list of alternative words to the correct one. For example, if you write, "I rannd out of time", a standard spell checker displays a list of words such as "rand", "rend", and "rind" as possible corrections. Ginger, on the other hand, automatically knows the correct word should be “ran” and offers just a single suggestion with confidence.

Ginger is not perfect; in my test, it did miss out on some obvious grammatical errors and in some cases, threw in false positives, but it is an improvement over Microsoft’s Words native spell checker, and a definite must have when you are using a web browser.

Aside from misspelled words, contextually misused words, and grammar, Ginger recognizes and merges split words. For example, Ginger will identify the error in the sentence "I went in side" and will correct it to "I went inside". Plenty more improvements are scheduled to appear in upcoming version of Ginger, including enhanced vocabulary, insertion of missing words and verb tense correction. More details of Ginger’s capabilities can be found here and here.

Ginger is free and works on Microsoft Office Word, Outlook and PowerPoint. It also works on Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. The software requires an active Internet connection to work.

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